Day 5! Halfway through!
How are you getting on? Have you enjoyed the past 5 days? Are you looking forward to the next 5?
The saying goes “1% Inspiration, 99% Perspiration” the same could be said for Motivation and Discipline. Halfway through your 10 day challenge, how is your motivation : discipline ratio?
Here is an acrostic created by Brené Brown that often helps me to DIG deep:
GET D -- Deliberate in your thoughts, intentions and behaviour.
GET I -- Inspired by your who, what, how and why.
GET G -- Going, take action!
At this point in the challenge, we are bringing it to All Fours. Here is a bonus 5 minute wrist warm up you can do before beginning your videos:
We hope you enjoy the next 5 days of the July Core Challenge!
Anna and Katie xx